Friday, January 06, 2006

"Candy apples and razor blades, little dead are soon in graves"

Copied from my LJ-10/24/05

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Don't blame me for the creepy title of this post, blame the Misfits, since I can't get that song out of my head. Listen for yourself.

I wanted the Silver Shamrock theme from Halloween III: Season of the Witch playing when my page loaded, but apparently the fine venture capitalists at LiveJournal expect me to pony up a few bucks for the privilege of background music. So you'll have to download and play it to get my intended effect.

Incidentally, does anyone know of a (preferably ad-free) online journal service that doesn't charge for background music or a more customizable site?

Halloween season is in full swing at Chez Howie. Spooky music issues from my speakers. Jackolanterns peer from every window. Decorations cover all available indoor surfaces. Some might find it oppressive, to say nothing of tacky. But Halloween is my birthday and I'll go overboard if I damn well please.

Here are some links to help you get into the spirit:

Locate a haunted castle, hayride or corn maze near you at, Haunted Attraction Magazine, or GooGhoul.

Every year I look forward to the X-Entertainment Halloween Countdown's reviews of Halloween-themed foods, toys and media. Nobody's love of Halloween is purer, and nobody's knowledge of candy more encyclopedic- don't get it twisted.

Vintage Halloween memorabilia: Old Haunts,

Everything you need to know about Day of the Dead. See also: Mexico's Day of the Dead, Day of the Dead Cultural Articles, Pan de Muerto recipe.

Fright Catalog, Spooky F/X, Fright Props, and Gore Galore sell high quality props for haunted houses. I love to peruse these sites and dream of the day when I'll populate my front porch with animatronic monsters for Halloween.

Check out these haunted paper toys you can print out and assemble. Some are even animated.

The Moonlit Road features streaming audio of ghost stories and folk tales by acclaimed Southern storytellers. The Shadowlands publishes reader-submitted stories of ghosts and hauntings. See also:,, Victorian Ghost Stories.

Bleeding Skull - Low-budget horror film reviews. The Diabolical Dominion - horror news and reviews. The Groovy Age of Horror - horror paperbacks and comics of the 60's and 70's. See also: Horror-Web,, Queer Horror.

Music: The Misfits-Halloween
Mood: Cheerful